Relationships and Sexual Health Education (RSHE) is lifelong learning about physical, sexual, moral and emotional development. It is about the understanding of the importance of stable and loving relationships, respect, love and care for family life. It involves acquiring information, developing skills and forming positive beliefs, values and attitudes. At Oastlers School we believe the understanding of such values is integral to supporting and developing positive attitudes towards each other and ensuring positive emotional well-being. The aim of RSHE is to provide balanced factual information about human reproduction, together with consideration of the broader emotional, ethical, religious, and moral dimensions of sexual health. The curriculum and nature of RHSE provides opportunities to introduce key vocabulary. Our intent is to build learners communication skills by increasing not only their vocabulary but also their ability to communicate effectively with others and express their views successfully. Our RSHE programme aims to prepare learners for a successful, safe productive adult life.
The programme is split in to three main elements:
Attitudes and values
Personal and social skills
Emotions and relationships
The RSHE program reflects Oastlers ethos, supported by its vision statement, underpinning the school’s values by exploring each of the elements. It is anticipated learners will develop a greater understanding of relationships in all aspects. The school provides a safe setting in which learners can be offered appropriate teaching about RSHE. The purpose of RSHE is to support learners in dealing with the pressures of adolescence and to prepare them for adult life. Through planned lessons learners will cover topics to support them through physical, emotional and moral developments whilst encouraging understanding of themselves, respect for others and sustaining healthy relationships.
The impact of the RSHE programme will be that all learners will have a better understanding of the different types of relationships, sexually transmitted infections (STI’s) including HIV and AIDS as well as understanding the importance of practicing safer sex and the pressures that young people face. Our learners also receive information and guidance regarding contraception and the importance of guarding against unwanted pregnancies and STI’s. The program is designed to give learners a safe place to gain an understanding of the legal implications of sexual behavior. Through the program the learners are signposted to key adults and organisations they can go for further advice or help outside of school.