Safe, Secure  and Successful
Home > About us > Oastlers@Keighley
“We want to make a positive difference to the behaviours and the emotional and social needs of the learners entrusted to our care...”
Robert Fairbairn
Head of Centre: Keighley
OSB: Curriculum OverviewOSB: Curriculum Overview
OSB: Curriculum OverviewsOSB: Curriculum Overviews
OSB: Register of InterestsOSB: Register of Interests

I would like to extend a very big welcome and thank you for your interest in Oastlers School.

We are a specialist setting providing support for children and young people who have social, emotional and mental health disturbance.  We understand that some children experience mental health difficulties, in terms of challenging behaviour that affects learning, and we understand they need support to aid their recovery.  Early adverse childhood experiences and loss can also lead to residual difficulties.

Our aim is to help children and young people move into positive emotional and relational health, which in turn has a positive impact on behaviour and learning.  Rooted in this is a school that at its heart is Trauma Informed providing a safe environment for children and young people to flourish and achieve their personal and academic potential.  We are a fully inclusive school that is constantly seeking out the most influential and up to date research that underpins our Trauma Informed practice to aid emotional healing and wellbeing.

We are committed to this because we know that this empathic approach works, and that continued mental health problems negatively impact on social, psychological and physical health.  The school offers a number of therapeutic approaches to sit alongside quality first teaching to address the needs of the whole child.  We work closely with a number of support agencies and, importantly, with our families to achieve shared goals.  I am pleased you are interested in joining our community and invite you to visit the school, speak with my staff, and find out about all of things we do in school to provide your child with what we hope will be a happy, safe and successful learning journey.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Oastlers Principles of Nurture
At Oastlers we strive to be a nurturing school. Our nurturing principles extend to all our learners and staff, parents and carers and everyone who visits our school.

We will always treat you as an individual, responding to your emotional wellbeing and enabling you to progress at your own rate.
We will aim to offer a safe, secure and caring learning environment for everyone.
We will always encourage you to be happy with who you are, to respect yourself and to have self-belief.
We will empower you to explore and understand your feelings and emotions with the right expressive words and we will provide safe spaces and time to listen.
We will always try to understand what your behaviour is saying about how you feel.

We will aim to make changes smooth, safe, understandable and manageable for everyone.
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