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Post 16 Options

Sixth Form

We offer a level 2 resit in English language and mathematics.



Colleges run a variety of courses, from GCSE resits to specific work-related qualifications.  There are courses available at different levels, so whatever grades are achieved at GCSE, there will be a suitable course at college.  There are a number of different colleges in the Bradford district.


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This involves working for an employer and training to do a specific job. Usually this means working four days each week and going to college one day each week. There are over 280 types of apprenticeship for over 1,500 job roles – anything from engineering to boat-building, or veterinary nursing to accountancy.

There are different levels of apprenticeship from level 2 Intermediate to Degree Apprenticeships. A degree apprenticeship involves working 4 days a week and going to University 1 day a week. This means that apprenticeships can be started after Year 11 or at a higher level after Year 13. Wages vary greatly, the national minimum wage for an apprentice is £3.90 an hour but many employers pay much more than this.