Oastlers School Vision Statement for Children who have SEND
Oastlers vision is to support learners with SEND, particularly those who have gaps in their learning, moving them closer to their age related expectations in their core skills. They will do this in an environment which is calm and safe, allowing them to develop self-esteem through experiential learning and consolidation of basic skills. Identification of specific SEND needs will be achieved in a dignified manner, taking account of each child’s individual precise needs. Our intention is to motivate and encourage our learners to master the basics thus gaining the knowledge and skills to access GCSE outcomes and become confident, successful, independent learners.
Using the data collated from our half termly data trawls and the information from Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP) a bespoke curriculum will be provided for each learner who has been assessed as needing additional support, to develop their literacy and numeracy skills. Each learner is supported to develop their basic skills. This is done by working on a one to one basis, in pairs or in groups. There is a significant focus on speaking and listening skills, on developing vocabulary and understanding the four functions of number. Learners are provided with continuous support with tasks that are aimed to consolidate deep learning and chunked to challenge whilst avoiding memory overload. A variety of teaching resources are used such as: Education City, Lexia, TT Rockstars (times tables), textbooks, worksheets and individual learner led projects.
By providing a calm and safe environment, a structured approach to learning outcomes and excellent resources our learners bridge the gaps in their understanding with the development of basic skills that encourages self-belief as a learner. Learners will experience success through positive attention to detail, this will motivate them to be inquisitive, take risks, make mistakes, develop resilience which in turn will accelerate their progress.
The changes in the Children and Families Bill affect the way children with special educational needs (SEN) are supported in school. The new approach begins in September 2014 and places learners at the centre of planning.