"Happy learners achieve their potential in a caring and supportive environment".
Careers Strategy
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Careers Leader
Robert Fairbairn
Careers Leader
Leanne Vo-Brown
Careers Leader
01274 307456
Oastlers Careers Strategy
September 2022
Our strategy has evolved over the last three years as relationships with employers and providers have been developed. Our careers activities are still aligned to the key principles of the eight Gatsby Benchmarks, that provide the foundation for our programme of careers education. The aim remains to allow our learners and their parents and carers the opportunity to make well-informed decisions about education, training, apprenticeships and employment opportunities.
Our programme is set out clearly on the school’s website and promoted through newsletters and bespoke engagement with stakeholders. Learners discuss the programme in student council and parents are given an opportunity to understand how the programme works across each year group.
Extensive work has taken place as the COVID19 restrictions have eased, building links with employers who we have only been able to engage with on a virtual basis until recently. We have promoted our model of engagement via our work with the Leeds City Region LEP, building long term partnerships with employers. These partnerships allow for a continuity within our careers programme, as we seek to deliver a consistent and coherent model for our young people.
Our careers programme is designed annually with termly reviews to the Governing Body, it links directly into the school’s development plan and be part of the school’s review process. We seek regular and systematic feedback from learners, parents, teachers and employers to help inform development of the programme and the ongoing experience for all stakeholders.
We continue to work with stakeholders such as the LEP to have access to labour market opportunities. Our aim in 2022/23 is to ensure by the age of 14, all students have accessed and used information about career paths and the local labour market to inform the start of their decision-making process.
Our programme objectives are as follows:
Oastlers School:
Flockton Road,
West Yorkshire
Telephone: 01274 307 456
Email: office@oastlers.co.uk
Head Teacher: Lyndsey Brown
Oastlers@Keighley School:
Exley Road,
BD21 1LT
West Yorkshire
Telephone: 01535 281 556
Email: keighley@oastlers.co.uk
Head Teacher: Lyndsey Brown
Head of Centre: Robert Fairbairn
© Oastlers School 2013-2023